Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And another one...

I can't believe I'm doing homework. The beginning of a new school year started and I was ecstatic because finally, finally, I didn't have to start with it. And now here I am, barely begun a new job and already doing homework!

Ah, well. At least it's fun homework, eh? And there will be library bling!

I suppose it would be polite to stem the curiosity before it has a chance to build into a frenzy and explain the blog name. The title of the blog comes partly from frustration and partly from an episode of Stargate: Atlantis. In a moment of (panic) and frustration, Sheppard exclaims, "This is downright problematic, Rodney!" And, after every blog url I tried was rejected by sweet, lovely blogger, I had a Sheppard moment of my own (with no Rodney to save the day). It was fated to be, I suppose, and Downright Problematic was launched!

I believe I'm supposed to discuss my learning style in this post but my net, it hates me. So that will wait until later on.

(Even my net is downright problematic! Sheesh!)


Anonymous said...

I admire your honesty and I hope we all gain something from thisbesides the Bling...I don't need a stress star keychain to keep me intersted in the training. I do it because I cherish my job.

Janeheiress said...

Yay for Blogger! (even though it can be frustrating sometimes)

I like your template. It is now my life's ambition to have something with polkadots in the background.

kimberly said...

Actually, I was looking at the 23 things we are going to be learning about and it's going to be awesome. I am particularly excited for RSS feeds because that whole topic goes right over my head.

And online photo editing makes me so happy! (Because my photoshop program and my computer did not get along at all.)

But, you have to admit - library bling is pretty cool, eh?

To JH - Polka dots are things of wonder. I would like a shirt with polka dots on it.