Thursday, September 27, 2007

Learning? Hmm...

In my last post (er, my first post) I was to have discussed my preferred styles of learning. Here is my vain attempt to categorize.

I would generally say that I'm a confused learner.

Sometimes I have to actually do the task at hand to remember the process. But that doesn't always work. Science labs, for example, are very much hands on learning and I never learned a single thing in them. (This could be because I have no interest in the hard (or soft) sciences, but that is beside the point.) At work, however, I am most definitely a hands-on learner. Someone can explain a process to me everyday for a week and it won't stick in my brain as naturally as if they had actually walked me through it.

In school, particularly in undergraduate classes, I was fine as an auditory learner, listening to a lecture and taking notes. There was more structure, someone with (we hope) significant knowledge of a subject was lecturing and I knew what was expected of me. I could take copious notes and go from there. It worked for me because it was all planned out. Then I hit grad school and the world of online learning and realized that I needed that structure. Because I am the world's biggest procrastinator. (Okay, okay. So I already knew that, but it was firmly cemented at grad school.)

So what does all of that blabber mean for me and my learning style. Not much, actually. It means I'm a procrastinator (who always, always gets things done on time) who likes to take notes (but not share them) and see a process (but not do labs). It means I generally just go with the flow.

And so, go with the flow I shall!

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