Wednesday, June 30, 2010

the web according to google #88: wave, buzz and mobile

1) Even after watching the videos on Wave and Buzz, I'm still not sure I see the need for them. Wave seems like it has possibilities, but only if everyone I know also has Wave. If I have Wave and no one else I know has Wave, then Wave isn't very practical. I did like that you could drag files straight from your computer desktop into Wave, but if I have no one to share those files with, what's the point?

Buzz seems too much like Twitter and Facebook status updates to me. I already have Twitter (which I use) and Facebook (which I rarely update), and having one extra thing seems like far too much work. Is my life really that important that everyone I know has to see what I'm up to on three different sites?

2) As of now, I do not have a phone that is web capable, so I don't use any Google Mobile apps. If I did have a phone that could connect to the Internet, I'd probably use the apps for maps (because I get lost a lot), Gmail (because I'm a compulsive email checker) and Calendar (so I always know my schedule). Until I get that phone...

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