Saturday, October 20, 2007

Library 2.0

In the college town where I lived for four years while slaving away at that undergraduate degree o' mine, there was this tutoring place (well, business, really) called 4.0 & Go. The idea behind it was, of course, that if you shelled out the cash, the tutors at this place could whip you into mental shape right before that big midterm and you'd pass with flying colors.

Every time I think of Library 2.0, I think of that place. It's sort of like a slogan forms in my head.

Library 2.0 & GO!


Library 2.0: To Infinity & Beyond!

(Okay, so that second was courtesy of Buzz Lightyear, but you know what I mean.

After all that rambling, I don't actually have a lot to say about Library 2.0 and Web 2.0. I am an Internet addict, so I've embraced a number of the new interactive tools that I can bend to my will. I also love how librarians and libraries are trying to educate themselves on these new practices and bring them into the library. It's the best way to connect with the users, to reach them no matter where they are. We have to be flexible and Library 2.0 is the way to accomplish that.

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